Calatafimi Segesta
An Elymian centre with Hellenistic overtones, Segesta’s origins date back to Acestes, son of the Trojan nymph Egesta who welcomed Aenea during his wanderings. The majestic Doric temple of the V century B.C, which is still complete, is of great interest. On the summit of the mountain is the Greek amphitheatre which, in summer is animated with important events, and from which one can enjoy a suggestive view over the surrounding valleys. In the archaeological park, there is also the large Sanctuary of Mango district from the VI-V century B.C., a castle, a medieval church and the ruins of an ancient Mosque. Near Segesta is the medieval town of Calatafimi, with the Eufemeo Castle and the rich churches, which is characterised by alleyways and roads of clear Islamic origins. It is on the high ground of Punta di Romano facing it that the harsh battle of Garbidaldi’s Thousand was fought.
An Elymian centre with Hellenistic overtones, Segesta’s origins date back to Acestes, son of the Trojan nymph Egesta who welcomed Aenea during his wanderings. The majestic Doric temple of the V century B.C, which is still complete, is of great interest. On the summit of the mountain is the Greek amphitheatre which, in summer is animated with important events, and from which one can enjoy a suggestive view over the surrounding valleys. In the archaeological park, there is also the large Sanctuary of Mango district from the VI-V century B.C., a castle, a medieval church and the ruins of an ancient Mosque. Near Segesta is the medieval town of Calatafimi, with the Eufemeo Castle and the rich churches, which is characterised by alleyways and roads of clear Islamic origins. It is on the high ground of Punta di Romano facing it that the harsh battle of Garbidaldi’s Thousand was fought.
From the hills on which rises the charming Eufemio castle, there is an incredible view of the town and over the valley of the river Kaggera initially called Flumen molinorum where today, the remains of watermills still exist which not only mill the wheat but allow the irrigation of the land. The extraordinarily beautiful valley still has the ancient gardens of citrus fruit and vegetables with a very suggestive contrast of vegetation. The presence of irrigation water makes the difference between the cultivated areas and the rocky dry garrigue areas.
The Alleyways and courtyards in the inhabited nucleus of the town are twisted and labyrinth-like, clearly showing the town’s Islamic background and, create an urban landscape of great interest. From Segesta there are fantastic views from Mount Sparagio and Mount Inici, to the stupendous Gulf of Castellammare.
The city takes its name from Qal-at-Fimi, which translated means Fortress of Eufemio, who was the official serving Bisanzio who, according to tradition favoured the Arabs’ entrance into Sicily. Other sources identify it either with Acesta, town from the same period as Segesta, or with Castrum Phimes, from the name of a nobleman and important agriculturist remembered by Cicerone. After being, under the Normans, it became the stronghold of Guglielmo, son of Federico III of Aragona and then passed into the hands of barons and various lords keeping in the background until liberation, after centuries of silence, with the historic battle on the hills of Pianto Romano, supported by Garibaldi against the Bourbon troops, led by General Landi during which, Garibaldi said the historic sentence: Qui si fa l’Italia o si muore - Here we create Italy or we die!
Angimbè Wood in the north of the town represents an ecological niche of extraordinary beauty characterized by age-old cork oaks (Quecus suber). Singled out by the European Community as a SIC (Site of community importance) it covers 212 hectares and is managed by the State Forestry Commission. The ecosystem which may be unique to Sicily, permits numerous animal and bird species. The numerous pathways made by the Forestry Corps allow visits through the wood.
In the splendid landscape of the archaeological area of Segesta, there is also Bosco Pispisa and the Vallone della Fusa, also known as Vallone della Vipera, a deep incision in the rock which makes a natural boundary between Mount Barbaro and Mount Pispisa. Between its green gorges runs the Vallone della Fusa stream, the most important of the tributaries of the Kaggera river.
Segesta, proudly guards the remains of the Elymian city, of an extraordinary Doric temple, a Hellenistic amphitheatre and some strong fortifications which make it today one of the most important archaeological sites of Sicily.
The temple (V century B.C), which is still standing is an austere example of Peripteral hexastyle, and its incompletion allows one to see the different phases of the construction of the temples.
On the summit of the mountain, the magnificent amphitheatre (mid II century B.C.), the remains of a classic age building and a Hellenistic bouleterion show the life of the city while a portico, a paved courtyard and a colonnade indicate what was once the agorà in Hellenistic and Roman times. Near the amphitheatre there are the remains of a Muslim village with mosques and Norman and Swabian settlements with a castle. The remains of a sanctuary (VI-V century B.C.) can be found in Mango district.
The churches in Calatafimi are real treasure chests of works of art: on the main altar of the Mother Church, a grandiose marble altarpiece is situated. containing the marmoreal, la Vergine col Bambino fra Santi, Profeti e scene evangeliche – The Virgin with Child among Saints. Prophets and Evangelical scenes (about 1512) attributed to Bartolomeo Berrettaro and Giuliano Mancino. Worth noting also is the large pipe organ, with a wooden case, and the late Byzantine tablet depicting a Madonna with child (from the Carmine church). The San Michele church holds a fourteenth century Crucifix a San Michele (1499) of the Gagini school, a holy water stoup from the XVI century and a wooden Santa Lucia from the same period. Eighteenth century paintings and a Madonna degli Angeli con Santi (1617), attributed to the Zoppo di Gangi - Lame man of Gangi enrich the Church of the Madonna of Giubino which, on the main altar has a precious late 1400s marble altarpiece with the Vergine del Giubino, object of ancient veneration,
The Castle Eufemio, “An ancient, primitive fortalice, not at all despicable castle”, as the Arab geographer Edrisi defined it in the XIII century is the most important building, but the churches in the town centre are also of interest. The Mother Church has ancient Swabian origins and has a basilica plan type which it assumed over the XVI and XVII centuries. The Church of SS.Crocefisso (XVIII century) is a profusion of ornate decoration and was designed by Giovanni Biagio Amico who also designed the church of the Madonna del Giubino which has a vibrant internal harmony. Also of interest is the church of San Francesco which it is presumed is thirteenth century and what remains of the Carmine Church, built in Norman times and attached to the Carmelite monastery in 1430.
In Pianto Romano, an ossuary, designed by the famous architect Ernesto Basile holds the remains of Garibaldi’s and Bourbon soldiers who died in the battle of 15 May 1860; at Calathamet, a tower and an Arab fortress remain.
The use of proverbs and sayings is noteworthy, many of which can be read in the alleyway they are dedicated to. During the festa del Crocifisso (crucifix celebration) the town organises itself into Ceti-social classes who parade with their symbols and standards. The main ones are: the Maestranza, ancient town militia who march in uniform with arms; the Burgisi, farmers with richly harnessed mules, who mime the sowing of the seeds and throw sugared almonds and hazelnuts; the Cavallari on richly decorated Sicilian wagons; the Massari, ex feudal superintendents, now rich middle classes, who end the parade throwing from a magnificent wagon pulled by oxen, the cucciddati, in remembrance of the bread distributed to the poor during the celebration. Other ceti include the Borgesi di San Giuseppe-the middle classes of San Giuseppe, the Ortolani- Vegetable Growers, the Millers, the Pecorai and Caprai- Sheep and goat herders, the Macellai-Butchers. Those who are not part of any particular ceto are included in the Sciabica (networks).
Qualified companies work in various production and commercial sectors.
The ground rich in clay and limestone has a few marble and chalk quarries dotted about. A well established company makes building material based on chalk and also cement. An innovative company makes different types of synthetic corks and lids for oenological use, for distilled liquids and oils, substituting the old cork factories once an important part of the town.
In the sector of the natural intestines destined for food use to make skins for the manufacturing of raw and cooked sausages, there are qualified companies which use traditional methods to process and then commercialise natural entrails of sheep, pigs and oxen made by the processing of the intestines of animals for slaughter and of other animal parts like cow and sheep bladders.
The Calatafimi territory , falls partly in the Alcamo DOC area with its fine wines, and is known for its cereals, pulses, oil and the delicious mushrooms of Carabona district. Exports include wine, smoke bush and citrus fruit. Among the citrus fruit is a fine orange cultivar known as the Ovaletto di Calatafimi, which keeps the fruit on the plant until June even after it has fully ripened. Its genetic origin is not clear, but it seems to be a bud mutation of the Ovale Calabrese. It owes its name to its elongated tapered shape and has an intense pleasant aroma, an excellent flavour: It is usually without seeds. The craftmade production of biscuits, cheese, and dairy products, sauces and condiments for the typical Mediterranean cuisine is flanked by the cultivation of mushrooms.
Calatafimi has a municipal library with a patrimony of 22.210 volumes, including the Fondi speciali - special archives regarding documents from Garibaldi times. In the Archaeological Museum there are some artefacts found in the archaeological site of Segesta including two shelves in the form of the bow of a boat ( II century B.C.), an Italian-Corinth capital ( II-I century B.C.) , a sculptural element from a theatre scene refiguring a satyr and a maenad (III- II century B.C.). The Ethno-Anthropologic Museum documents the predominantly farming vocation of the town, collecting objects which show the different activities which took place in the fields, the craftsmen’s workshops or simply in the domestic environment. A Centre of Performing Arts was founded as a laboratory for theatre and music activity it has a room used also for exhibitions, conventions, conferences, fashion shows and concerts.
The Festa del Crocefisso is a moment of great folkloristic and religious interest and is one of the grandest in Sicily, taking place the first three days in May, every three, five or six years: it is a magnificent event, of great importance, and is characterised by abundance to celebrate the miracles carries out in the mid 1600s by a small, wooden Crucifix and to give thanks for the harvest and work. It consists in transport, processions and parades of the ( social classes ), richly harnessed mules and horses, rigorously accompanied by the throwing of cakes, hazelnuts, sugared almonds, chocolates and characteristic cucciddati, votive bread in the shape of a crown or the sun. The veneration for the Madonna del Giubino, is also very important and a marble icon of the Madonna del Giubino, is also very heartfelt and her marble icon is carried in a procession on the fourth Sunday of September, through the streets of Calatafimi, on a typical silver platform accompanied by numerous followers.
For sporting activities Calatafimi has a municipal sports centre with a football field and a provincial indoor gymnasium. Some sporting societies promote competitions, shows and events. In the surrounding area, in Gorga district on the eastern bank of the Caldo river, on the border with the Alcamo territory, there are thermal springs: the hypothermal alkaline, sulphurous mineral water with natural therapeutic values comes from the Gorga spring about 50 meters above sea level, together into a natural basin surrounded by clay agglomerations, maintaining a constant temperature of 51°C. A canal of about 300 m. brings the water and mud made by the natural precipice without the addition of clay to a thermal station situated in an ancient restructured mill which also has an outdoor swimming pool and saunas.
From July to the end of August, the amphitheatre of Segesta is the suggestive backdrop for a cycle of shows, classic plays, concerts, literary meetings. Particularly suggestive are the Albe Segestane, poetry recitals at day break. At the beginning of September, the Premio internazionale di Segesta takes place.
Another appointment is the Estate Calatafimese – Calatafimi Summer, from the end of July to the beginning of September, with various shows and events. Sometimes a Presepe vivente-live nativity scene animates the ancient town, which is suggestively illuminated by torchlight, with real craftsmen, farmers, housewives, and shepherds who offer tastes of food made there and then.
A market exhibition, la Fiera di Primavera, is held in the months of March or April.
The 15th May is dedicated to the Giornata Garibaldina – Garibaldi day, commemoration of those who fell during the battle between Garibaldi and the Bourbons in 1860.
Tourist information:
Tourist Office Segesta
Parco Archeologico Segesta
91013 Calatafimi Segesta
Tel/Fax: +39 0924/953013
Mobile: +39 349/0659125
The beauties di (en)Calatafimi Segesta

Museum holds ancient mementoes of the population and documents its predominantly farming...

On the main altar of the Mother Church, a grandiose marble altarpiece is situated. containing...

The museum holds some artefacts found in the archaeological sire of Segesta. The two shelves in...

Angimbč Wood in the north of the town represents an ecological niche of extraordinary beauty...

On the summit of the Barbaro mountain, a paved courtyard and a colonnade indicate what was once...

Calatafimi has a municipal library with a patrimony of 22.210 volumes, including the Fondi...

In the splendid landscape of the archaeological area of Segesta, there is also Bosco Pispisa and...